Fake News? Alternative Facts? Real Information? Choose your source wisely!

Fake News? Alternative Facts? Real Information? Choose your source wisely!

By Global Training GPOD

With globalization and the world becoming more and more connected, we now receive news and information not only about what happens in our neighborhood but about events and happenings from all over the world. Especially with the Internet being our standard, most-used medium, we have a wonderful opportunity to obtain knowledge about anything we have ever wanted to know or thought about. The millions of websites, social media networks, and access to unlimited information can be a blessing for some, and a hassle for others.

Incorrect news and information were a problem even before the terms “fake news” and “alternative facts” found their way into the mainstream. How can we distinguish real, trustworthy information from false information? How can we verify that a conspiracy theory is nothing more than some badly researched, misinterpreted information?

Here at GDI as well, when we research information for our classes and training programs, we have to take note of where our information is coming from. Being able to navigate through the jungle of information to find valid, trustworthy knowledge is a skill that becomes more and more important whether researching, keeping up with today’s markets, or running a globally-operated business.

Here a few tips that might help you sift through the bad information:

Don’t Trust “News” on Social Media
Social media is the easiest platform for fake news to spread because we are often introduced to it by our friends and family, whom we trust. Next time you come across a news story posted on social media, try to research where the information originally came from. 

Use Official News Channels
This might sound boring, but if you come across information you find suspicious, try to research official news sources. Try government websites or widely-recognized and accepted non-commercial organizations. 

Avoid Confirmation Bias
Confirmation bias means that we are more likely to believe information that supports our already existing opinion. Next time you google something, remember to also search for arguments that support the opposing view. 

We hope that with these tips you feel more at ease when looking online for information in the future and that you better enjoy the opportunities for the knowledge presented by this increasingly interconnected, modern world.