In the new era of education and learning, modern and innovative technologies have replaced many traditional and outdated technologies. Due to the advent of various new technologies and, even more so, the internet, many changes are taking place in education. Tablets, e-books, and smartboards have replaced traditional books and blackboards. Moreover, there is a behavioral change in the way learners learn. Students are becoming more and more dependent on devices and self-learning via online curricula rather than teachers and the classroom setting. This adaptation to utilizing more technology has changed the education game completely. Modern teachers now use the latest technologies daily in the classroom, compared to only a few years ago, requiring a general change in teaching methods and techniques.
One of the most technologically advanced devices we have with us today is the mobile phone or smartphone. The usage of mobile phones in learning a language has got numerous advantages. The learners can quickly learn new vocabulary, enhance their knowledge of grammar, improve communication skills, and develop various other language skills. The ability to quickly record a lesson and watch it again at the student’s leisure, along with other related training videos, also adds to the ability to learn a new skill quicker. This also creates more flexibility with how people learn, which can help motivation and even retention. According to recent statistics, mobile technology is used by 73% of the teachers either for teaching lessons in the classrooms or by permitting the students to use it to finish their assignments. Even English teachers use this technology and tend to use mobile devices more than teachers of other subjects.
One great feature of a mobile phone or smartphone is holding apps (applications) specifically designed to target the learning areas. These apps have shown a remarkable increase in students’ ability to learn a new language no matter what age they are. A survey conducted by PBS Kids in partnership with the US Department of Education found that kids’ vocabulary in the age group of three improved up to 31% when using mobile apps, such as Martha Speaks, to supplement their study. Researchers also found that the students’ learning experiences improved across the board when using Martha Speaks as a study tool.
Another study of 8th-grade students involved in a tablet program reported that the program had a positive impact both in and out of school. The report stated that the students increased the sophistication of their mobile learning activities by using the tablets, and they also accessed the learning material at home in their leisure. Using tablets and new technologies also provides opportunities for the teachers to improve their students’ productivity and create new learning environments for them.
From the above statements, it is easy to see that the importance of technology in the classroom is of great value for developing student skills and learning. Teachers also play a vital role in implementing these technological devices. They need to remain diligent in introducing technology and activities that focus on the students learning and overall human development. However, the application designers also need to focus on creating intriguing content and offering the proper content. One can argue that the most crucial role is that of the application developer and designer. The great thing about a mobile device or smartphone is that it can perform many different tasks. Each task needs to be leveraged to provide the best learning experience.
Learn Languages
Watch Videos
Learn Lessons
Surf the internet
Send Emails and Documents
Call Friends and Family
Do Online Transactions
Suppose the above-listed key areas can be incorporated into a single interactive application and make the best use of our current technology. In that case, you can shape the future of education. Your applications will help young learners, and mature learners develop second language skills all from the comfort of a single device. Furthermore, it will prove to be a great business opportunity, as the investment into education and digital learning will continue to expand far into the future.
As an app developer, especially for mobile phone apps, what can you be more effective in designing educational content and breaking through into this new, vastly untapped digital market for learning? The answer to this question is different for each person based on their situation and background. However, it is a question that we need to answer to provide the highest quality of educational apps for learning. One suggestion is to increase your knowledge of English. This will open you to a much larger world of content and ideas that will help you create the perfect app for educational purposes.