2023 - The Year of Partnerships

By James Hedden


Greetings in English

Greetings and Happy New Year to our GDI GPOD team and all our partners in Japan and overseas.

I hope you were all able to spend quality time with your family and friends over the holidays………and, like me, are recharged and ready for a great 2023!

Even with the prospect of potential challenges this year….. inflation and economic downturn, supply chain security, accelerated digital transformation, data and device security, sustainability and of course talent acquisition, it is important to keep pushing ahead and stick to business as usual. It is also hard to believe we are still dealing with pandemic-related issues, yet with that said, I continue to be amazed at the resilience and ability people have to adapt and accept the new reality of living with Covid.

This acceptance of situation, adaptability, and drive to “find a new normal” and cope with all issues at hand, is possibly how GDI was able to achieve its best results to date in 2022. How amazing is that?!

Credit for this achievement goes to our entire team of GPODs (Global People on Demand), each in their own important position. This, of course, includes our fantastic team of sales and marketing GPODs, and our administrative GPODs, all of whom keep the GDI ship afloat and running at top speed.

Also, to our Global Training GPODs, who continue to provide global language and business skill/communication training to partner companies right across Japan, to our Global Staffing/IT GPODs, (system engineers, bridge engineers, help desk support, software engineers/developers, network engineers, business development specialists, translators, and recruiting team), who continue to provide support to a variety of technical projects, global expansion initiatives, and talent recruiting needs, throughout Japan and abroad. Thank you all so much for your dedication, drive and support.

I can’t begin to express how proud I am to be working with such an amazing team of people and am extremely excited at the prospect of 2023.

And, of course, a very heartfelt note of appreciation to all of you, our GDI partners in business and success. We are, again, committed to your continued success and look forward to celebrating more achievements together in 2023.

So, with just a few weeks into January and the new year, I am very happy and excited at the prospect of great things to come. For GDI and all partners alike. With our 2-day annual GDI EOS kickoff and planning meetings complete, “The Year of Partnerships” looks to potentially be one of our best years yet.

In order to achieve this, I would humbly request to do three things this year:

One…….if you have not already done so, take some time and set your 2023 goals. Aim to learn something new, visit unknown places, read more, or just be happier. If you are unsure how to do this, there is ample content online, but also you can refer to one of my previous posts from a few years back. 2021 – The Year of ________?

Two……connect with more people this year and share your life experiences. Other GPODs, GDI partners, new prospects, or just friends of friends. Make a few more relationships and expand your professional and/or personal network. And keep in mind, “There is nothing like a good face-to-face encounter!”

Three…..make sure to enjoy time away from work! Work-life balance is exactly that, and can sometimes be difficult to accomplish. Plan and schedule your much-deserved time off and be sure to continually recharge the batteries. And most importantly, have some fun!!!!!

Together I hope we can make 2023, a year of growth, a year of success, a year to be outgoing, a year to be grateful, a year to celebrate even the small wins, and a year of even stronger partnerships.

Thanks so much for all you do and who you are! And Cheers to a great year ahead!!!



今年も物価高騰や景気後退、DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)の加速、サプライチェーン攻撃への対応、データ・デバイスのセキュリティ対応、サステナビリティへの取り組み、そして人材の獲得など、様々な課題が予想されます。怯むことなく平常心を保ってビジネスを継続することが重要です。 新型コロナウイルス感染症の懸念は未だ払拭されませんが、同時にウィズコロナの現実を受け入れ、新しい生活様式やビジネスモデルを取り入れる姿勢など、我々人間の持つ適応力は素晴らしいと感じます。


これもひとえにGPODチーム(Global People on Demand)のおかげです。

また、企業の皆様に語学研修やビジネススキル研修を提供しているグローバルトレーニングGPOD、国内や国外に幅広い技術支援、ビジネスのグローバル展開や人材採用ニーズのサポートを行うグローバルスタッフィングチーム、そしてIT GPODにも、改めて感謝の意を表します。社員の献身的な努力と意欲、そしてサポートなくして2022年を乗り越えることはできませんでした。




    1. 目標を立てる
    目標を立てるにあたりインターネット上のコンテンツや私が過去に書いた記事も是非参考にしてみてください。2021 – The Year of ________?

    2. 人とのつながりを広げ、自分の人生経験を共有する
    同僚や友人といった身近な人から、お客様や友人の友人など、積極的に人間関係を構築し、ビジネスやプライベートで人とのつながりを広げてみましょう。 直接会って話すことほど良いものはありません。

    3. 仕事以外の時間を楽しむ
    ワークライフバランスは時に達成するのが難しいものですが、休日は計画的に過ごして心も体も充電しましょう。 まずは楽しいと感じる気持ちが大切です。



GDI Communications
James Hedden