2023 – The Year of Partnerships
New year greetings from James Hedden, GDI Communications CEO.
Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays!!!!
“5 Proven Steps” to Find the “Right” People & Talent you Need!
As the need for talent increases, the ability to find the “right” talent will continuously become more complex. It’s going to take a proven process to source and hire the “right” talent for your business needs.
Here’s to an Amazing 2022 – The Year of the A²CE
Even during the pandemic, there are opportunities. Don’t fall behind, and prepare now for the coming New Year 2022!
Change is here, and the difference is great! Bring on 2022!
Change is the only constant in our lives. How we deal with change dictates our success or failure. EOS offers some valuable tools for better dealing with change and helping us move further down the path of success.
Overcoming the tech talent shortage 2021 – What can businesses do to survive?
The tech talent shortage is affecting businesses of all sizes. Strategies for
overcoming this barrier and securing experienced and highly qualified tech talent.
Tokyo Paralympics 2020– Simply Amazing and Impressive
Anything is possible with a strong commitment, persistent actions, and a positive mindset.