Beyond the Code: Understanding Life and Work as an IT Engineer in Japan
This guide is tailored specifically for IT professionals, offering insights into Japan’s work culture, daily life, and the unique trends shaping its tech ecosystem.
IT Skills in High Demand in Japan: A Guide for Job Seekers and Employers
This article serves as an in-depth guide for both job seekers wishing to understand the sought-after “IT skills in Japan” and employers keen on recruiting talented professionals who can significantly contribute to their organization’s growth and success.
Navigating Japanese Company Life: A Roadmap for Foreigners
This handy guide will help prime you on what to expect and not just how to adapt to your new work environment but thrive in it in Japan.
Navigating Japanese Job Interviews: A Roadmap for Foreigners
Are you a foreigner looking to find work in Japan? Navigating the hiring process may seem a bewildering maze, but the right insights and preparation can increase your chances of success.
Here is a roadmap to help!
How to write a Japanese resume and why it is needed
In this article, we’ll explore the importance of the Rirekisho and Shokumukeirekisho, what they entail and why they are requested, how they differ from Western-style resumes and, most importantly, how to write them successfully!
グローバルスタッフのご紹介!【 外国籍エンジニア編】
IT-GPOD(GDI エンジニアスタッフ)の先輩社員をご紹介します。ドミニカ共和国出身、英語や日本語をはじめ、7つの言語を操ることのできるとっても頼もしいエンジニアのご紹介です!
IT-GPOD(GDI エンジニアスタッフ)がどのような海外経験をしてきたか、その一部をご紹介いたします。
Global Project for New Staff