


About GPOD

GDI’s original term, coined from the acronym “Global People on Demand,” is a brand name for the human resource services that GDI provides to its clients. GPOD Services”.
It is read as G-POD.
The work of GPODs varies widely depending on the needs of the company and the skills of the GPODs themselves. Currently, we have GPODs specializing in business and communication, who are in charge of global training including language training for companies;
GPODs specializing in overseas business, who are in charge of multiple consulting services such as overseas business support and local interpretation for overseas expansion and overseas development; and GPODs provide support for IT-related tasks ranging from programming to maintenance management and desk support.
Employees providing support from within the company are also part of the GPOD group and support operations. As you can see, the nature of the work varies depending on the needs of the customer and individual GPOD’s skills and experience.
Yes, all GDI employees are GPODs.
All GDI employees, regardless of their position, department, or responsibilities, are GPODs.
A GPOD is a person who meets GDI’s rigorous hiring criteria, has the necessary skills for our clients’ needs, and is a flexible thinker.
A GPOD is a person who meets detailed requirements, such as global experience language skills, and has excellent communication abilities; GDI employees meet all of these criteria.
The general guideline is a TOEIC score of around 700 for English and JLPT N3 for Japanese, but the most important aspect is the ability to communicate. Even if the score or level is lower, it indicates the ability to speak confidently in business situations, to communicate with others, to listen to and respect others’ opinions.
As the number of foreign workers is on the rise and domestic workers are in short supply, more and more Japanese companies in the IT industry are accepting foreign workers with IT skills. In addition, many companies based overseas are also hiring people with IT skills from various countries.


GPOD’s offer services that supports the globalization of our clients by providing global human assets with the skills necessary for their needs and the ability to think flexibly, and by providing them with global human resources who can be immediately effective in the fields and industries that meet their needs.
We have supported companies in a variety of areas, including language training, cross-cultural understanding training, overseas expansion consulting, IT projects, translation, and local interpretation.
Even if global skills are not required, we can introduce personnel with the necessary skills needed to meet your needs. If the work location is overseas, our services are still available depending on the availability of the GPOD’s. If your work location is located overseas, please consult with a GDI sales representative in advance.
There are three benefits for you the client.
The first is that GDI will conduct a needs assessment with you to find out any issues that make it difficult for you to recruit, then, help you find solutions. The second is that due to our large database of GPODs, a qualified candidate can quickly be found thereby improving the speed of recruitment. Lastly, GPOD’s participation can increase your operational efficiency.
First, our sales representatives will conduct a needs assessment and listen to the client’s issues and the client’s internal situation. Then, after confirming the necessary skills and desired personality, we will then select personnel who match the client’s needs. After the selection is made, we introduce the potential matches with skill sheets (on paper). If the client requests an interview, GDI will set up an interview between the client and the candidate.
Once the candidate has successfully passed the interview, a final meeting is held to discuss terms that meets the client’s needs. Lastly the GPOD is assigned to the job.
The fee is based on a base pricing system, plus the additional skills and experience required of the GPOD you wish to use. Estimates will be provided after after conducting a needs assessment, so please contact a sales representative to get things started.
It is possible to see a list of potential personnel. Please contact our sales staff for more information.
We are ready to help you. First, please contact our sales staff to discuss your company’s current situation and challenges.
This depends on the contract between your company and ours. As a fee-based placement business, it differs if you employ a GPOD as an employee of your company or if you employ a GPOD as an employee of our company.
If it is possible under the contract, after confirming the detailed situation, we will make an appropriate decision based on what is best for all parties. In some cases, it may be better not to make the change.


The benefits of becoming a member of our GPOD team is that you are able to put to use your global experiences and your specialized skills, as well as add to your own market value. In addition, you are able to earn a competitive salary.
Although it depends on the degree, the basic assumption is that the candidate is able to communicate in a second language both in English and Japanese. Since the official languages of GDI Communications are English and Japanese, you will be expected to communicate in both languages on a daily basis. Even if you do not speak the language fluently, you will need to be able to communicate at a minimum level required for the work.
Although it depends on the degree, the basic assumption is that the candidate is able to communicate in a second language both in English and Japanese. Since the official languages of GDI Communications are English and Japanese, you will be expected to communicate in both languages on a daily basis. Even if you do not speak the language fluently, you will need to be able to communicate at a minimum level required for the work.
There are no age limits except for the retirement age limit.
One of the company’s internal benefit programs is the “Training Program”. Under this system, each employee is allocated a “Professional Development Subsidy” to help them acquire skills and qualifications tailored to their work.
Of course you are more than welcome to contact and hear waht we have to say about becoming a GPOD. Please contact us through our website to find out more.
Yes, it is possible to come and see the atmosphere here at GDI Communicatoins.
This depends on the time of year and time of day. This may be difficult at times due to employee availability, so if you are interested, please contact us through our website.


Please contact us via our website inquiry form.
Please contact us via our website inquiry form.



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Tel: 052 212 8207 | Fax: 052 212 8208
Nagoya Information Center Bldg 6F 2-2-17
Sakae Naka-ku Nagoya Japan 460-0008

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Tel: 052 212 8207 | Fax: 052 212 8208
Nagoya Information Center Bldg 6F 2-2-17
Sakae Naka-ku Nagoya Japan 460-0008

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