Privacy Policy

GDI Communications Inc. was approved to use “Privacy Mark” by JIPDEC from July 03, 2017.
GDI Communications Inc. was approved to use “Privacy Mark” by JIPDEC from July 03, 2017.

Enrollment Outline

Enrollment Number:

Applicable Standard:

First Enrollment Day:

Certification Authority:

Accreditation Organization:



July 3rd, 2017

Central Japan Industry Association


Personal Data Protection Policy
GDI Communications Inc. (GDI) strives every day to provide high-quality services under the management policy "Global Success through Communication and Innovation." As a company that is involved in global human resources training, GDI handles various types of business "information," and we recognize that observing strict safety management for "information" is an important social responsibility. In particular, GDI is keenly aware of the importance of personal information and positions privacy protection as one of its highest priorities in relation to corporate activity. In order to ensure that this is soundly put into practice, the following personal data protection policy has been established, and officers and all employees will comply with this policy and strive to ensure that personal information is handled and managed appropriately.

Established on: January 1, 2019
Latest revision: August 1, 2023
GDI Communications Inc.
Representative Director: James Hedden

1. Acquisition/use/provision of personal information
Taking into consideration the content and scale of business, GDI shall strive to ensure the appropriate acquisition, use and provision of personal information. Furthermore, the use of personal information shall be within the extent of the purposes of use that had been specified in advance at the time of acquisition, there shall be no handling of personal information that goes beyond that extent (use other than for those purposes), and measures shall be taken to prevent use other than for those purposes.

2. Appropriate management of personal information
Personal information that GDI has acquired and personal information that has been received from external sources shall be managed securely and accurately, and information security measures shall be implemented with regard to problems pertaining to said information, such as unauthorized access, loss, damage, manipulation, and leaking, in order to prevent them. Furthermore, in the event that a problem arises, corrective action shall be promptly implemented.

3. Response to complaints and consultations
With regard to the handling of personal information and its management system, GDI shall accept complaints and consultations from the persons in question and respond appropriately and promptly.

4. Compliance with laws and regulations / standards
GDI shall strive to ensure practice that is in compliance with the laws and regulations relevant to the protection of personal information, in accordance with guidelines stipulated by the national government, “Personal Information Protection Management System – Requirements (JIS Q 15001),” and other standards.

5. Establishment and continuous improvement of a personal information
protection management system A management system pertaining to personal information protection shall be established, and officers and all employees shall be made thoroughly aware of it. Furthermore, GDI shall strive to achieve continuous improvement of it, by reviewing it on a periodic basis with the president in a central role.

Purposes of use for personal information in GDI
■Purposes of use in cases where it has been received through contracted work from a customer
 ・Management of training courses, etc.
 ・Management of persons who wish to study abroad, persons who are studying abroad, and host families

■Purposes of use in cases where GDI has acquired it
 ・Management of training lecturers
 ・Management of online learning programs
 ・Management of persons who wish to study abroad, persons who are studying abroad, and host families
 ・Personal information pertaining to employees, including officers, etc.: for GDI’s personnel labor management
 ・Personal information pertaining to employment applicants: for employment screening
 ・Personal information that arises in association with privacy mark operation: for privacy mark operation and management
 ・Handling of translation requests
 ・Emailing lists

Common matters pertaining to retained personal data, and requests for disclosure

1. Name of business operator
GDI Communications Inc.

2. Personal information manager (Personal information protection manager)
Name: Saeko Kitamura
Contact: +81-52-212-8207

3. Purposes of use for retained personal data
・Personal information pertaining to employees, including officers, etc.: for labor management of GDI personnel
・Personal information pertaining to employment applicants: for employment screening
・Personal information pertaining to training lecturers: for training management
・Personal information pertaining to persons who wish to study abroad and persons who are studying abroad: for management work related to studying abroad.

4. Contact for complaints regarding the handling of retained personal data
Please see the “Contact for matters regarding the handling of personal information” below.

5. Requests for disclosure, etc
For requests for disclosure of personal information, etc., please see the “Contact for matters regarding the handling of personal information.” After confirming your identity (verification against details registered with GDI), we will send a response to your registered address in writing.
* There are no charges in relation to requests for disclosure, etc.

Contact for matters regarding the handling of personal information
For initial inquiries pertaining to personal information protection, please contact the Customer Service Center in the GDI Communications management department.

TEL: +81-52-212-8207

Accredited Personal Information Protection Group and Complaint Handling Contact Information
GDI is an accredited member of the Personal Information Protection Group. In the case GDI Communications is unable to satisfactorily handle your complaint, please contact the following agency.

Name of Accredited Personal Information Protection Group
Japan Information Processing and Development Center

Complaint Handling Contact Information
Personal Information Protection Complaint Consultation Office
ADDRESS: Roppongi First Building 1-9-9 Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo 〒106-0032
TELEPHONE: 03-5860-7565
TOLL FREE: 0120-700-779



Work & Careers

Contact +

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Tel: 052 212 8207 | Fax: 052 212 8208
Nagoya Information Center Bldg 6F 2-2-17
Sakae Naka-ku Nagoya Japan 460-0008

| © 2024 GDI Communications Inc. | All rights reserved |
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Tel: 052 212 8207 | Fax: 052 212 8208
Nagoya Information Center Bldg 6F 2-2-17
Sakae Naka-ku Nagoya Japan 460-0008

| © 2024 GDI Communications Inc. | All rights reserved |